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The Tie Binder Newsletter, July 2023

Seeking the Unseen The pathway to move forward is one requiring vision, perspective, discovery, revelation and of course faith. Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." (NIV). Vision always carries an element of faith and an element of the unseen. God gives us inspiration which translates to enthusiasm and motivation.

Inspiration – God breathes life into the dreams He’s given us. The result is that we have the energy, the hope and the drive to work toward a goal before we see the results. We carry on toward the goal even though we don’t have answers or even know all of the problems. I think of the Duomo in Florence. The great cathedral was drawn up and construction began in 1296 (140 years prior to its completion). The interesting fact is that they had no idea how to complete the dome. Their inspiration had driven them to begin a work that resulted in architectural discovery. They were imagining and seeking the unseen. It took incredible faith and devotion. God blessed the work.

Revelation – God reveals His purposes and plan for us to join in His work. We learn through His Word, through prayer and through our conscience to care for others and spread the news of His love. As I discussed the dimensions of the Johari Window, we saw that we know things about ourselves, others know things about us, but there remains another dimension unknown to either. Human knowledge is limited. We count on God for Divine revelation to know both ourselves and our potential. As we begin to act upon inspiration we discover the path forward.

There is incredible faith activated through works as we act upon both God’s inspiration and revelation. And yet this step is simple. The Psalmist wrote in Psalm 119:105 “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”. Archeologists found that in this culture the people of Israel carried pottery lamps at the end of a stick right by their feet. They took one step at a time. That was all they could see. All you need to know is where to place your feet for the next step.

As we make this journey we begin to see more and more of the character or our unseen God. Jesus said “Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.” John 14:21 That really is our pursuit. We are seeking the unseen God. He is our destination. Blessings on you as the church, and you as individuals continue your faith journey.

Love you all.

Pastor Tom


American Baptist Women’s Ministry ABWM News We will be a collection depot for Church World Service kits in September. Below is a list of items for a health kit. The items are to be placed in a zip lock bag and $2.00 enclosed for shipping. There will be a collection box in Fellowship Hall. - One hand towel measuring approximately 15”x 28” to 16”x 32” (no fingertip, bath, dish towel or microfiber) - One washcloth - One wide-tooth comb removed from the package - One finger nail or toe nail clipper removed from the package

- One bath size bar of soap in the wrapper - One toothbrush in the package - Ten standard size Band-aids

Thanks to ALL who helped with our hosting the Church Women United Human Rights Celebration. We had ladies help with set up, clean up, donation of food, and participating in the program. A representative from Dayton Habitat for Humanity was our speaker and we learned about their needs.

At the Church Women United May Board meeting our guest speaker was Chaplain Willie Templeton. We donated paperback Bibles and reading glasses. He said that they continue to collect white socks at any time (we took down socks to the jail in December.

The American Baptist Women Spiritual Growth Retreat will be September 22 and 23rd at First Baptist Church in Mount Vernon, Ohio. Speaker: Sharon Merz. Brochures/registration forms are available in the narthex. See Flo Heizer for more info.

Library News Biographical books and books about Bible men and women can be checked out upstairs and downstairs. We have too many to have them all on our lobby shelves. Please visit our library downstairs to choose books for your summer reading.

DLABC Men’s Fellowship The fellowship meeting will be Friday, July 14, 2023 at Jimmie’s Ladder #11 Restaurant, 11 a.m. Jimmie’s Ladder #11 is located at 936 Brown Street, Dayton, OH. If you would like to bring a friend, please do so. No reservations are required.


July Events

July 14 - Men’s Fellowship at 11 AM, At Jimmy’s Ladder 11 July 21- Firepit Fellowship - 6 PM, bring a lawn chair July 23 - All Church Picnic at Delco Park Shelter #1, after service


Among Our People

July Birthdays

Debie Paulin

Ernie Keucher

Gayle Jordan

July Anniversaries

Brian & Jerri Wood Tim & Heather Haugan

July Preschool Schedule July 2 Megan Farnham

July 9 Hyacinth Palmer

July 16 Connie Sinks July 23 Brian Sinks July30 Susan Sinks

July Worship Assistant - Amy Thompson

July Greeter - Lois Perry

Ushers July 2 Brian Thompson

July 9 Gayle Jordan July 16 Brian Thompson

July 23 Susan Sinks July 30 Gayle Jordan

July Refreshments July 2 Bev Scarpelli & Judy Teeters July 9 Joyce Kelley & Linda Emmons

July 16 Roland, Edmund & Tim 23 Church Picnic 30 Brian & Amy Thompson



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