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The Tie Binder Newsletter, April 2022

The Power of the Risen Christ

Resurrection day is coming! This Lenten season we’re going to give thought to the work that God has put into our salvation. Our freedom has come through the work, passion and suffering of Jesus. Parents learn that giving to our children costs a great deal - emotionally, financially and through our suffering. IT is difficult as we watch our children make mistakes. The principles aren’t much different with God. It was more extreme; it cost Him everything! We’ve talked in Sunday School about how it might seem like we are failures when our children do not follow God’s path or seek His wisdom. Let’s remember that God, the perfect parent, has wayward children. We are not alone. We recognize our own mistakes and regrets but cannot blame ourselves for every choice our children make. God offers opportunities – we might call them second chances. A chaplain friend said, “if God only gave second chances, I wouldn’t be here.” Fortunately, God has do-overs not just one more do-over. Through the power of Christ’s blood God provides power over sin – God gets us through the penalty and the pull it has on our lives. It may take a while to learn to follow Him. But, God’s love is the power to conquer our pride.

Beyond our struggles with disobedience, there is a power God makes available for our healing (emotionally, spiritually, and physically). We must understand the Christ’s death on the cross and resurrection from the dead has paid the price for our wholeness. “By His stripes we are healed” Isaiah 53:5 His Spirit living in us makes it possible. “And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.” Romans 8:11 So when we celebrate the resurrection, we celebrate our future, our eternity, our healing and our wholeness. Believe in His promises.

Pastor Tom

BTW: We are so excited to have Pastor Pam Wantz join us to speak for the Easter Sunrise service. We’ve invited Linden Avenue Baptist members to help us celebrate. Please join us!


Holy Week Services and Activities

April 9 – Easer Egg Hunt at 1:30 pm

April 10 – Palm Sunday with palms and a processional

April 14 – Maundy Thursday Service at 6:00 pm and includes a soup supper, Communion and a simple Seder Service.

April 17 – Easter Sunrise Service will be held out front on the driveway at 7 am. Pastor Pam will bring the morning message. Breakfast will follow at 8 am.

Easter Service at 11 am.



Children ages 2 to 12 are invited to our fun, outside Easter Egg Hunt (indoors if inclement weather). Invite your grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and neighborhood children.

Just bring yourself and a bag or basket to collect the eggs. There will be food, drinks, a story and of course the hunt. There may be a small gift for parents, too.

Mask wearing is optional. We will wear a mask around those who have not been vaccinated.


Christian Ed Corner

Adult Classes *Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer Janny Kehr continues to teach this class using this book. It should be completed by Easter with the lessons learned lasting much longer.

Preschool/Nursery What fun there is with the preschoolers! Parents always make sure to leave your phone number with the teacher. You may need to be contacted during the service by the teacher. Let us know if you don’t want to be texted, but please be aware of any texts you may receive while your child is in attendance. Thanks.

Southdale/Orchard Park Connection Please look on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall for a thank you note from the principal of Orchard Park thanking us for the donation to Orchard Park. The Christian Education Board is reaching out to Principal Dan Palmer for his ideas on how we can best help the children at Southdale. We will keep you posted.


DLM Good Neighbor Program

Do you ever shop at Dorothy Lane Market?


Our church is registered to receive a donation from Dorothy Lane Market for 2022. Every time you shop and scan your Club DLM card, you build a pro-rated portion of DLM’s yearly $40,000 donations to non-profits which includes our church.

How to get started? First, if you don’t have a Club DLM card, you’ll need to get one, either in a store or online at

Second, fill out the 2022 Good Neighbor Program Sign-Up sheet, online or a paper copy (Ask Lori Frueauf for a copy.)


ABWM News:

Mercy Manor visit - For our ABWM meeting we plan to visit Mercy Manor. The date and time are still being set at printing of newsletter. Watch for details in the bulletin and online. Judy Teeters is coordinator of this event.

All Daughter Event - With Amy Thompson and Megan Farnham, we will be planning an event for all daughters: moms, sisters, aunts, daughters - which means all women! The details of this event are still being finalized. Watch for information in the coming weeks!

Blanket Sunday:

We will be accepting donations for Church World Service Blanket Sunday in May. Information will be in bulletin and from the pulpit. During weather emergencies and war, blankets are in such need. Each blanket is $10. Please give as you are able.


In March, an indoor workday was had. Thanks to everyone who helped on Saturday and those who finished cleaning on Monday.

The following was accomplished:

  • Sanctuary tile was swept, deck scrubbed and mopped

  • Pews were swept and cleaned

  • Piano and furniture in front of sanctuary cleaned

  • Helped Linda setup for Lent

  • Kitchen was completely cleaned and organized by a scrub team, those items cleaned; refrigerator, ovens, floor, counters and any expired items or unnecessary items thrown out

  • Back entrance bannister rehung

  • Broken floor tiles in basement replaced

  • Light bulbs replaced

  • Fellowship Hall restrooms detail cleaned

  • Spectrum cable hole in wall capped

  • Exit light bulbs replaced. All exit lights working.

Lois is having the church windows cleaned before Easter.

Usher report

The usher team is in need of additional help. The next few months will be challenging for us to staff.

The sanctuary setup is simple and we are willing to train you and provide a checklist.

If you are able to get to the church by 10:30 am on Sundays, setup can be completed in ten minutes.

Please volunteer. You can sign up for as often or little as your schedule allows. Once a month or once every other month would be awesome.

See John or Brian for details.


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