Turn Over a New Leaf Autumn to winter, winter to spring, spring into summer, summer into fall- So rolls the changing year
and so we change
Motion so swift, we know not
that we move
Dinah Mulock Crick
As a new season arrives, it is not the end of a time as the leaves fall, but a time for a beginning – time to turn over a new leaf! Some verses to ponder as we prepare for a new season:
Yield fruit in its season – Psalm 1:3
A new heart I will give you – Ezekiel 36:26
Be fruitful and multiply – Genesis 1:22
Fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self control – Galatians 5:22
You shall know them by their fruit- Matthew 7:10
Sing to him a new song – Psalm 33:3
The word of God abides in you- I John 2:14
Let us abound in love – I Thessalonians 3:11
When we study, serve, and love then we can abide in Christ and live in abundance.
"Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong" – I Corinthians 16:13
Let all that we do be done in love. This fall, we can begin a new ministry, connect to shut ins by phone or notes, read in our Bibles daily, try something new in our churches, or volunteer to help where you are needed. Abide in Christ and “Turn over a new leaf”.
Jerralyn Wood This was written for the Church Women United October Newsletter.
American Baptist Women’s Ministry
Introduction to Mindfulness
On September 14 our ladies group had Pat Holmes from The Ohio State University Family and Community Sciences speak to us. We learned that mindfulness practices a space that is beneficial for both the moments of pain and frustration as well as the moments of excitement and enjoyment. She shared that stress is not always harmful but a little bit of stress can be a good thing. Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment and nonjudgmentally. We can keep calm in stressful times by keeping calm and using mindful breathing. Our program following time of fellowship around the table enjoying food that each one brought.
Our October meeting is on October 19 at 10:00 a.m. We will meet the new Executive Director of the Dayton Christian Center, Yvonne Watkins. We have gathered items requested on our White Cross list and will bring disposables for the center. (Those include plastic bags, utensils, paper plates, cups and diapers.)
SAVE THE DATES On November 3-4 we will be holding our Christmas Bazaar from 9:30-4:00 each day. We ask anyone who can contribute craft items or baked goods to donate. Proceeds from this event allow us to support our home and international missionaries, scholarship student and state mission project. Monies will also be used to support our Southdale School Project of helping students in need. If you have any questions about the Bazaar, please contact coordinators: Joyce Kelley, Gayle Jordan, Lois Perry and Judy Teeters.
ENDING HUNGER ONE STEP AT A TIME The Dayton CROP Hunger Walk is on October 8. We gather at Shiloh Church on Philadelphia at 1:00 p.m. and the walk begins at 1:30 p.m.
Questions often asked: What are CROP Hunger Walks? Neighbors walking together to take a stand against hunger in our world. Some 2000 communities across the country take part each year. What’s the point of walking? Hungry people in developing countries typically walk as much as six miles a day to get food, water and fuel, to take their goods to market. We walk to be in solidarity with their struggle for existence. Where does the money go? CROP Hunger Walks help fight hunger and poverty locally and globally. 25% of funds raised stay in Dayton area and used by Dayton Foodbank. In the last 20 years CROP Hunger Walks have raised more than #294 million to assist around the block and around the world. This is an activity coordinated by Church World Service. What makes CROP Hunger Walks special? They are community-based and interfaith. They have an impact locally and globally. Walk donors may designate their gifts to other approved international hunger-fighting agencies.
DLABC Men’s Fellowship The fellowship meeting will be Friday, Oct. 13, 2023 at Jimmie’s Ladder #11 Restaurant, 11 a.m. Jimmie’s Ladder #11 is located at 936 Brown Street, Dayton, OH. If you would like to bring a friend, please do so.
Board of Christian Education
We have started a new school year, and along with that we have started a new children's Sunday school class called Kids Connection. The class is a lot of fun, and the kids are really enjoying the stories, painting, coloring, playdough, etc. Thanks to Connie Sinks for putting all the curriculum together.
Our Annual Halloween Party is planned for Saturday, Oct. 21 at 5pm. There will be food, games, and the annual pumpkin carving contest. Bring your own pumpkin. We have carving tools. Costumes are encouraged.
October Birthdays
Sending birthday wishes to all our October "babies". May your day be filled with joy and may God continue to bless you!
2 Lois Perry
3 Tim Haugan
3 Betty Asher 8 Heather Haugan 10 Meseret Wodaj 13 Rev. Dr. Karen Johnson 17 Mary Jane Salyers
18 Nathan Horn
20 Matthew Green
21 Alex Harman
26 Lois deVcelle
27 Joyce Kelley
October Events Oct. 1- Guest Pastor: Rev. David Coggins
Oct. 8 - Guest Pastor: Rev. Stan Gockel, Board & Advisory Meeting Oct. 8 - Crop Walk Oct. 10 - Stewardship Committee Meeting 7 PM Oct. 13 - Men’s Fellowship 11 AM @ Jimmie's Ladder 11 Oct. 14 - Outdoor Work Day 9 AM Oct. 15 - Guest Pastor: Charlie LeMaster Oct. 20 - Fire Pit Fellowship 6 PM
Oct. 21 - Halloween Party 5 PM Oct. 22 - Guest Pastor: Rev. Jeff Perkins Oct. 29 - Guest Pastor: Rev. Jeff Perkins
Thank you to our volunteers!
October Preschool Schedule 1 Messeret Wodaj 8 *Volunteer Needed
15 Megan Farnham
22 Susan Sinks 29 Connie Sinks
October Worship Assistant - Amy Thompson
October Greeter - Susan Sinks
Ushers 1 Gayle Jordan 8 Susan Sinks 15 Brian Thompson
22 *Volunteer Needed
29 Jerri Wood
October Refreshments 1 Jerri Wood & Ernie Keucher 8 Board Meetings - Christian Ed 15 Bev Scarpelli & Judy Teeters
22 Roland, Edmund & Tim 29 Kelati Mebrahtu & Messeret Wodaj