The Spirit of Sowing and Harvest, by Pastor Tom Kehr
Having grown up on a farm I feel the fall season coming upon us. This season is one of harvesting. We see the multiplication of seed from the hard work of tilling, sowing, watering and weeding. The message of Christ is plain. We are to sow love, joy and peace. It is an action that adds and multiplies for the kingdom so that we can experience life and life to the full. Recorded in Mark 4, Jesus said some seed grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.” This is the spirit and the faith of the farmer, both the one who sows and the one who harvests. May this spirit guide our conversations and commitment to His work. The world needs His love, His grace and His wisdom.
In sharp contrast to this law of multiplication is the law of division. The thief comes to “steal, kill and destroy” John 10:10. The enemy of God is pleased to sow discord, division and hatred. Our nation has a history of racial tensions, gang violence and disregard for the working poor by the rich who profit from their labor. But it also has a history of those who through the Gospel and enlightenment fight on behalf of others. The Gospel of Christ is the answer: His compassion and grace guide us toward love and good works.
On our recent vacation to Scotland, our Scottish guides shared that the United Kingdom is not so united (not unlike the United States). We learned that Scotland has defended itself from the Romans and many who would seek to conquer it. The English and the Scottish clash. The Protestants and the Catholics clash. The cities argue for which is greater and the clans have fostered hatred and unrest more than they have been united. It is not a united kingdom.
As Christians we are called to serve Jesus the King. His kingdom is to be united; we are to be known by our love. But as Americans we are reminded that we have nursed our divisions. The Hatfields and the McCoys came directly from the UK to the US. The McCoys were Scotch/Irish. The Hatfields (originally Heathfields) came from England. Both brought their fighting spirit and survival instinct. Their story illustrates a spirit of division and unrest existing in our nation. Someone has said, “where you go; there you are.” Meaning that being in a different place does not make you a different person. So easily we are willing to die for our fight, but unwilling to die to ourselves. Paul wrote, “I am crucified with Christ and I no longer live , but Christ lives in me.” We need a different spirit and destination to sow a harvest of peace.
The UK and the US have a history of division and a history of spiritual renewal. Janny and I saw the house of Scottish reformer John Knox. I wonder what his take would be on the state of their nation. In the same way, I am reminded of Reverend Billy Graham’s impact on our nation and world. Let us hear God’s call to sow his goodness in this world. Like Johnny Appleseed, we sow as we go – God’s grace, His mercy, His wisdom, His truth and His Love.
The harvest will be amazing.
American Baptist Women’s Ministry
We will meet in Fellowship Hall on Monday, October 10 at 10:00 a.m. for a program on “Senior Security.” Judy Teeters is coordinator for the meeting and Joyce Kelley will give devotions. Those who choose will join in going out for lunch.
CROP Walk materials are available in Fellowship Hall. We need walkers and donations. The area walk will be at Shiloh Church on Sunday October 9. One fourth of all donations will stay in Dayton for the Food Bank.
Program booklets for all women are now available. Thanks to Pat Manley for assembling the booklets for us.
There will be a card shower for Lois Perry’s 90th birthday on October 2. You can bring your card on that day or mail it to her.
Bev Scarpelli announces that she will be providing Operation Christmas Child boxes for the children soon. Details about collection will be in the bulletin.
Keep your third Tuesday available as we have been invited back to the Oaks to play BINGO.
World Community Day is November 5 at 1:30 p.m. We will be celebrating on that detail at Fairview United Methodist. Carpooling is available. Contact Jerri Wood. No reservations are needed.
Calling ALL bakers, crafters and volunteers!! We will hold our Christmas Bazaar on November 4-5 from 9:30-3:00. Proceeds from this event allow us to support mission and church projects. Coordinators are Lois Perry, Joyce Kelley and Judy Teeters. Please let one of them know if you can help. Lunch will be served each day 11:00-1:00 p.m.
There is a sign up for Christmas presents for Dayton Christian Center on the fellowship hall bulletin board. Please sign up for whatever you can donate
Dorothy Lane will send $75 each month to Kit Ripley, an American Baptist missionary who serves in Thailand.
The World Mission offering will be taken in October. This offering supports global servants in one or more area of evangelism, health and healing, human trafficking, economics, development, education, peace and refuge.
Kitchen paper products are needed for Sunday fellowship time, church dinners, etc. (especially plates and plastic forks). If you can supply any of these products, please put them in the church kitchen. Thanks.
Canned items were collected for the Moraine City First Church of God.
Board of Christian Education
Our annual Halloween party and pumpkin carving is October 29th at 5:00pm. There will be plenty of food and fellowship including bean soup cooked on the fire out back. All are welcome! Dress in costume if you wish, and bring a pumpkin to carve!
At the end of August, our board donated 27 new pairs of shoes and 49 pairs of socks to Southdale Elementary. They were so grateful and will give the shoes to students in need. We will continue to collect as an ongoing outreach opportunity.
Our preschool program continues this month with more Sunday School lessons and crafts for our growing kids.
We are working on our next adult Sunday School program. It will begin soon with a study on the book/DVD What’s So Amazing About Grace?
The Men’s Fellowship Group is starting up again. Men’s Fellowship Meetings will take place the second Friday of every month at 11:00 a.m. The next fellowship meeting will be Friday, October 14, 2022 at Jimmie’s Ladder 11 Restaurant. Jimmie’s is located at 936 Brown Street, Dayton, OH. Website: jladder11.com If you would like to bring a friend, please do so. If you have any questions, call or text Brad at 937-603-2141.