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May 2023 TieBinder Newsletter

Sabbath Rest On the seventh day, God rested from the work of creation from the previous 6 days. He looked back on the work of His hands and said that it was good. It is really amazing that a perfect God would take the time to evaluate His work. How could anything but perfection come from the Divine? It seems to be a no brainer. He is the source of inspiration, wisdom, strength, and life. God’s 7th day break tells us that not only was His work perfect, but that His rest was also perfect.

God commands us to join in the Sabbath rest. It is a gift from our Good Good Father. We must wait on the Lord to renew our strength. We need to avoid burnout and exhaustion. We rely on wisdom, reflection, and evaluation to check the course of our heart and life. Like with a plane, mid-flight corrections help us to reach our destination. God is our Undercover Boss who sees and knows our struggles and our efforts. He will correct our wandering, renew our spirit, and reward our faithfulness. He is our Union Organizer that protects us from ourselves and from the forces than would destroy our balance, our relationships, and our peace. We get to see the places where our designs were flawed and where our implementation was off. Rest helps us to get back on point toward God’s purpose and our destiny.

Janny and I are on a plane taking our Sabbath break as I write this. This article is a journaling of my reflection. We are headed to the West Coast to admire God’s creative handiwork. My prayers for each of you is that you find your rest, reflection, and re-creation. May your spirit be full. Take time to hear anew the still small voice of the Lord.


Pastor Tom


American Baptist Women’s Ministry All Daughters Luncheon will be on May 20 at 11:50. Gayle Jordan and Joyce Kelley are the coordinators. The theme is purses and they invite all to bring a favorite purse that you have. More details are to follow.

On Wednesday, April 5th ladies were encouraged by words from Janny Kehr. As a nurse practitioner and specializing in psychiatric needs combined with her faith, she gives a wealth of information. She talked about forgiving - forgive selves before can really forgive others. Regarding apologies, do not underestimate the power of an apology. Anger can emit fatigue. For a forgiving spirit: be active and find joy!

Church Women United programs include the June 10 Human Rights Celebration being held here at Dorothy Lane. We will need ladies to help with refreshments and other tasks. The May Friendship Day Celebration is Saturday May 20 and we will turn in our Fellowship of the Least Coin Offering at that time.

If you want to attend the one day ABWM of Ohio Conference on June 10, see Jerri for more information. Save the Date: June 16 at 6:00 for our picnic at the home of Bessie Smith. Each person bring a dish to share.


DLABC Men’s Fellowship The fellowship meeting will be Friday, May 12, 2023 at Jimmie’s Ladder #11 Restaurant, 11 a.m. Jimmie’s Ladder #11 is located at 936 Brown Street, Dayton, OH. If you would like to bring a friend, please do so.


Board of Christian Education Last month we had a small but successful Easter Egg Hunt. We had a nice turn out, the kids found all the eggs and were very happy. We look forward to another one next year. We also donated pants, shorts, leggings and underwear to Southdale. They appreciate the donations and we will continue to collect money for their needs. If you would like to donate, you can designate portions of your offering for Shoes for Southdale, or see our board members for more information.


All-Daughters Luncheon Ladies, please join us Saturday May 20, 2023 at Dorothy Lane American Baptist Church for the ABW All-Daughters Luncheon. The theme is “Purses”. If you have an unusual purse or a purse with a story behind it, be sure and bring it to share. The luncheon will begin at 12:00. Cost is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children under 12. See Joyce Kelley or Gayle Jordan for tickets or questions. Deadline for reservations is May 14, 2023. Family and friends are welcome.


May Birthdays

1 Victor Mwizerwa

15 Connie Sinks 22 Pat Trent 24 Alisha Hiehle 29 Rev. Bob Heizer

May Anniversaries 16 Bill & Linda Emmons

22 Nathan & Mo Horn

May Preschool Schedule 7 Connie Sinks 14 Kelly Medina

21 Brian Sinks 28 Hyacinth Palmer

May Worship Assistant - Linda Emmons

May Greeter - Joyce Kelley

Ushers 7 Brian Thompson

14 21 Brian Thompson

28 Susan Sinks

May Refreshments 7 Board Meetings - Christian Ed 14 Mother's Day - no coffee hour

21 Brad & Gayle Jordan 28 Susan Sinks & Hyacinth Palmer

May Events 7 Boards and Advisory Meetings

12 Men’s Fellowship - 11AM at Jimmie’s Ladder 11 14 Mothers Day 20 All Daughter’s Luncheon -11:50 AM 31 Memorial Day



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