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May 2022 TieBinder Newsletter

“Honor Your Father and Mother” … Let’s Talk about Mothering

For me, growing up with this command was fairly straight forward. I was blessed with parents who deserved honor. My mother was a person of faith, character, love, and resolve. She was Great Depression baby who became self-sacrificing to better the lives of her family. It is difficult to live up to the task of giving adequate honor – making the most of her instruction, prayers, and example. She was one of whom it might be said, “after she was born they broke the mold.” My siblings and I had been blessed and that blessing laid a foundation for our whole lives. A Godly mother is a life changer.

In part, I know how blessed my siblings and I are because I realize that some mothers were not up to the task. I am not dishonoring them to saying that. I am merely saying that perhaps they deserve even more grace and honor. Some children come at a time before the parents were able to prepare for the role. The first child comes when the soon to be parent has no experience. Though they might not have been qualified and hired for the job, they must assume responsibilities and face the challenges. One of the saddest funerals I conducted was for a woman who had walked out on her husband and children. She never came back to them. They had deep-seated grief and asked for a funeral/remembrance service to find God’s grace and comfort. They could recall no good memories. God had brought them though, but the pain of rejection and abandonment still haunted them.

Mother’s play a key role in shaping our lives. Some children like to blame parents as though if their mother had been perfect, they would be also. They might even get a little help in this blame game by reading Sigmund Freud. We know that we have our own share in our imperfections. We have a perfect Heavenly Father. And yet, God’s children have plenty of problems and pass blame rather than making confession. The vast majority of mothers (and fathers) do the best we can with what we know at the time. Many parent’s grow into the parenting role. By the time we get good at it we have grandchildren. For certain, mothers need to be honored… and deserve more credit than some therapists give.

In closing, I want to talk about a special group of people - those who choose mothering (parenting). They might not have biologically birthed children. But some people birth dreams in others, mentor, coach and pick up the parenting role. These too are mothers who deserve honor. They may be the teachers, the ministers, the adoptive parents, aunts and neighbors. They hold a special place of honor. Janny came into my life at a time when I was a single Dad raising three teenage daughters. In that stage, she took the primary mothering role for my girls. She gave of herself, her energy, prayers, and encouragement to offer the girls the best of support. Proverbs 31 describes her. But I want to leave you with a quote she said many years ago to my youngest daughter Jackie. “Some children are born of the womb, others are born of the heart.” – Janny Kehr

Give honor where honor is due. With love, Pastor Tom


Annual Planning Meeting, Feb 26

The annual planning meeting was held on the snow/rain date of Feb 26, with all the boards meeting, and congregational members invited to attend. Rev. Kehr led the meeting, and presented 74 power point slides to begin a discussion about the recent history of the Christian church in our nation and worldwide, and what roles and actions the church and DLABC should consider going forward. As an example, he presented how church attendance has dropped with each new generation; it is ~ 66% for traditionalists born < 1946, ~ 58% for baby boomers, 50% for Generation X, and 36% for Millennials and ~ lower for Generation Z; Ref: This naturally is causing a decrease of local church memberships. In response to this, churches perhaps need to reconsider what messages on which to focus, and different missions or activities in which to engage.

The morning presentation by Rev. Kehr with discussion took over 2 hours lasting until lunch. After a great lunch prepared by the Caring and Mission board, the individual boards met for about an hour to go over the calendars and work on yearly planning. The meeting ended about 2 pm. Boards may need to complete the activities they are planning for the year, and add them to the church calendar in the hall next to the office.

Rev. Kehr’s slides and messages were very informative, instructional, and also inspiring. There wasn’t enough time to fully discuss the messages, or plan new activities for DLABC so a continuation of the discussion is being planned for the May/June timeframe. Watch for further details about that, in the Tiebinder and weekly bulletins.

Moderator, Trustees and Rev. Tom Kehr

Christian Ed Corner

Easter Egg Hunt- All, children and adults, had a great time. So many eggs to find inside the church! (Yes. It was cold and wet outside, but the kids thoroughly enjoyed gathering eggs.) Before hunting for treasures, Dorothy Lane, our puppy puppet, shared how Jesus’ seeks his treasures, US, and learned He is our most important treasure. A special snack, each part symbolizing a part of the Easter story, was given, as well as prayer jars for parents to use with their children in helping them to learn how to pray. Looking forward to next year.

Adult Classes Janny Kerr has volunteered to continue teaching this class. We are very grateful for her continued leadership.

Preschool/Nursery What fun there is with the preschoolers! Parents always make sure to leave your phone number with the teacher. You may need to be contacted during the service by the teacher. Let us know if you don’t want to be texted, but please be aware of any texts you may receive while your child is in attendance. Thanks.

If you have ideas or suggestions for this board, please tell any board member, Megan Farnham, Lori Frueauf, Kelly Medina, Connie Sinks or Susan Sinks.


Blanket the World with LOVE!

May 20, 2022 Offering for

Church World Service Blanket Sunday

*And don’t forget to do good

and share with those in need.

Hebrews 13:16



ABWM picnic June 15 at 6:00 p.m. at home of Joyce Kelley…more info later.

ABWM Projects:

  • Project Read – We have donated 44 books to Project Read and continue to collect books

  • Alliance Stamp Ministry – We collect and send used stamps to facility in Florida that helps with purchasing Christian materials in Spanish

  • Pull Tabs for Ronald McDonald House – Turn in used pull tabs from pop cans and help with families with critically ill children

  • Eyeglasses – We collect used eyeglasses for Lions International to help give sight to others

All projects are collected in Giving Center in Fellowship Hall. Thank you. Thank you.


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