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March 2024 Tie Binder Newsletter

Updated: Mar 11, 2024

Upcoming Events

Mark your calendars!

March 10 Daylight Savings Time begins (Spring forward)

Board Mtgs., Advisory Mtg.

March 14 ABW to Mont. Co. Recycling at 10 am

March 17 Deadline to donate candy or treats for Easter Egg Hunt

March 18   Emma Murray Prayer Breakfast at 9:30 am

March 23 Easter Egg Hunt at 2pm. All children are invited.

March 24 Palm Sunday

March 31 Easter Sunrise Service at 7:00 am, on the front driveway, inside if rainy.

Breakfast at 8:00 am

Easter Service at 10:00 am



On the shelf in the lobby are books to celebrate Women’s History Month with books (mostly) about women of the Bible. More books downstairs in our Library. There is also a shelf of FREE books for all ages that do not need to be signed out. All children are encouraged to take a book home.


On March 14 our women will meet at DLABC Parking Lot at 10:00 am to carpool to the Environmental Learning Center. We have scheduled a tour of the facility. I have photo release and waiver forms required due upon arrival. Our tour begins at 10:30 am. Following our time there, we will go together for lunch and Gayle Jordan will do our devotions.

Thanks to Amy Thompson for bringing supplies in February for our Valentine making. We made 19 cards and sent 10 to shut-ins and took 9 to Oaks of West Kettering Nursing home.

Hold off on donating your empty pill bottles until we get more information. Matthew 25 only wants them with absolutely no paper and after they are sterilized. We will have more information by next month.

You can continue to collect eyeglasses and cases (17) recently donated, pull tabs from aluminum cans, used postage stamps, books for Right to Read. Contact Joyce Kelley about a new project of sending birthday cards to veterans.

Christian Education

A huge thank you to Brian Wood for teaching our Adult Sunday School Class that wrapped up in mid February. Another class is being planned and we will announce that as soon as we have all the info.

Our Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held Saturday March 23, at 2:00. We will be reading an Easter story, having refreshments and plenty of eggs to find. All children are welcome. We are asking the congregation for donations of wrapped candy and small toys that we can fill plastic eggs with. Please have donations at the church no later than Sunday March 17. Thank you.

March Birthdays

Please remember our birthday folks with a card, text, or phone call. Especially those we don't see very often.

March 8 Linda Riddle

March 8  Pearl Tomlinson

March 9  Pat Manley

March 10  Sam Farnham

March 12 Bessie Smith

March 22 John Haugan

Kids’ Connection Schedule

March 3 Megan Farnham

March 10 Mo Horn

March 17 Mo Horn

March 24 Connie Sinks

March 31 Megan Farnham

March Worship Assistant - Joyce Kelley

March Greeter - Judy Teeters


March 3 Brian Thompson

March 10 Michael Wadham

March 17 Jerri Wood

March 24 Brian Thompson March

31 Volunteer Needed

March Refreshments

March 3 Joyce Kelley & Linda Emmons

March 10 Board Mtgs. - Trustees

March 17 Judy Teeters

March 24 Megan, Messert, & Kalati



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