The Call to Fatherhood
Let’s take the time to thank the men who have accepted the call and responsibilities of parenting. Beyond biological fathers, we all must know many men who have fulfilled the vital role in mentoring, coaching and living as examples for younger men and boys. These are the trailblazers, the mighty men of valor and our guides for wisdom and direction. In many instances they have sacrificed doing what they want for doing what is needed. They help to hold our society together; their role is essential.
The Bible calls on men to provide training for their children “Fathers do not exasperate (provoke to wrath) your children, instead bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord,” Ephesians 6:4. Men cannot do this as deadbeat dads, absentee fathers, angry or addicted fathers, or as an inconsistent, indifferent or insensitive parent. The role is exceedingly difficult. No one does it perfectly. Speaking to men, we all need God’s help, direction and peace. It seems that by the time we get really good at it we are grandparents.
But that is alright. Because I have found that I continue to need to fulfill the role as a father figure for other adults and children. I am amazed at how many times inmates have told me that I am their father figure. It is very humbling and draws me back to my knees in prayer. What seemed easy for my father takes deliberate choices and consistent actions on my part. My dad was amazing. He worked hard, taught us what he knew, loved us and our mom, served in the church, volunteered in the community, welcomed newcomers to our family, never swore, held his tongue and shared only positive comments. He wasn’t perfect, but I am amazed at how much he got right without specialized training. I cannot blame any of my shortcomings on either of my parents. I can only give thanks and honor where it is due.
Let’s remember how critical this role is to our society. Here are some statistics and you can read more at this website- https://www.youngwarriors.org/the-problem
85% of all youths sitting in a prison today grew up in a fatherless home.
90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes
80% of rapists motivated by displaced anger come from fatherless homes (Source: Criminal Justice & Behavior)
Children from fatherless homes are:
4.6 times more likely to commit suicide
5.1 times more likely to be poor
6.3 times more likely to be in state-operated institutions
6.6 times more likely to drop out of school
33 times more likely to be seriously abused
73 times more likely to be killed
Let’s do all that we can to support the roles of both men and women in their parenting and grand parenting roles. God will add his blessing to our efforts.
With Love, Pastor Tom
June Events
June 5 No Sunday School
Worship at 11 am, Guest Speaker Chaplain Robert Smith, Communion
June 12 Adult Sunday School at 10 am
Worship at 11 am
Board Meetings at Noon
Advisory Meeting at 1:00
June 15, ABW picnic at 6:00 p.m. at the home of Joyce Kelley
June 16-18, DLABC rummage sale. Thursday and Friday hours 9 am to 4 pm and Saturday 9 am to noon. On Saturday everything is FREE!
June 17, Friday night campfire and hot dog roast. Bring a lawn chair and join us at 6pm. Hot dogs, chips, drinks, and s'mores are provided.
June 19, Father's Day
Adult Sunday School at 10 am
Worship at 11 am
June 25, All Daughter’s Luncheon. Tickets will go on sale June 12. See Amy, Megan, or Linda to purchase tickets.
June 26, Adult Sunday School at 10 am (if needed for make-up)
Worship at 11 am
Friday night campfire and hot dog roast, hopefully the 3rd Friday of each month through October - 6 pm.( rain date TBD)
DLABC MEN’S FELLOWSHIP: There will be no Men’s Fellowship Meeting in June, July, and August. Men’s Fellowship will start back up on Friday, September 9, 2022.
Christian Ed Corner
Southdale Elementary
When our board was discussing whether to hold the Back to School Carnival this fall, we decided to reach out to Southdale to find out about their specific needs. Both the principal, Dan Palmer, and the counselor, Michelle Wise, emphatically said athletic shoes for the kids. Rather than spend money, energy and time on the carnival, our mission is to acquire as many athletic shoes as possible. Be praying for guidance in how you can help in this service to our community.
The board is exploring partnering with Victory Church and Southern Hills Methodist in an outreach to children. As we learn more about this opportunity, we will pass the info on to you.
Adult Classes
The study of The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren is being led by Janny Kehr. We are very grateful for her continued leadership. This study will conclude in five weeks, as of May 22, with one break on June 5th. A short summer break follows with class resuming in the fall.
From Memorial Day weekend through August, the preschool/nursery will be in session. During the summer months, more free play will occur. This may include outside play. If you prefer your child to stay inside, let the teacher know. Also, parents, make sure to leave your phone number with the teacher for easy contact during the service if needed. Please be aware of any texts you may receive while your child is in attendance. And teachers, remember to take your phone with you. Thanks.
Looking Ahead
August 14-Blessings of the Backpacks
If you have ideas or suggestions for this board, please tell any board member, Megan Farnham, Lori Frueauf, Kelly Medina, Connie Sinks or Susan Sinks. Please pray for God’s guidance as we reach out to share his love.
American Baptist Women’s Ministry
All women are invited to join in fellowship at the home of Joyce Kelley (3097 Leonora Dr., Kettering) on June 15 at 6:00 p.m. We will enjoy a picnic together with each person bringing a dish to share. Flo Smith-Heizer will give our devotions.
On June 25 we will gather for an “All Daughter’s Luncheon”. This is for all women as we celebrate being who we are! The event is planned by Amy Thompson, Megan Farnham and Linda Emmons. More details will be forthcoming.
We continue to collect books, used postage stamps and pull tabs on soda cans. We recently turned in five pounds of tabs at drive for Ronald McDonald House. We thank Ernie Keucher for having Lincoln Park join in our collection! Forty-two pair of eye glasses were donated to Lions International for their use in helping those in need around world with gift of sight.
Rummage Sale
There will be a rummage sale here at the church 16-18 June. Thursday and Friday the hours will be 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, and Saturday 9:00 am to noon. On Saturday, everything is FREE!
Brian Thompson has set up a place in the back of the social hall for anyone to place items for the sale; so please go through your closets, drawers, basements and garages in search of items you are ready to part with. You could also mention the sale to any family or friends who would like to part with stuff. You can bring your things to the church any time from now until June 15th. Brad Jordan has volunteered to be at the church on June 7th, 8th, and 9th from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm each day in order to provide access to the church for anyone wanting to drop items off. If you cannot make it on any of those days, please feel free to call Joyce Kelley or Brad Jordan (937-603-2141) and we will be glad to make other arrangements for getting your items to the church. You can also bring stuff on Sundays while the church is open.
Set-up will start on Monday, June 13th, Tuesday, the 14th, and if needed, Wednesday, the 15th. We encourage anyone who would like to help with the rummage sale to let Brad Jordan or Joyce Kelley know, or as Lois Perry always says, “Come when you can and leave when you must!” And just as a side, even though there is work involved in this fundraising event for our church, past experience has proven that the fellowship that transpires during the entire process is very gratifying.
Church Library
Located on shelves in lobby are books for you to check out. There are devotional books and collection of short stories (like the Chicken Soup books). Challenging us are Bad Girls of the Bible and Really Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs. Each has a lesson for us to learn….even for our men. We have many biographies of Bible personalities in the Library if you want to read about Bible heroes this summer. Remember the Library (in Lower Level) is always open and has a self-check out system.