Dear Church Family,
The recent rise in local Covid19 cases has changed the status of Montgomery County to purple. Due to this change, our church will switch to on-line Worship Services starting immediately.
Our Advisory Board had decided, and listed in the December newsletter, criteria for situations in which we would close Dorothy Lane American Baptist Church for in-person worship. A purple status was one of these criteria, so please know that we have discussed and considered this change in advance of the current situation.
I continue to be thankful for the lovingly cautious and straightforward thinking of our Advisory Board as we seek to lead the congregation in ways of safety, as well as ways of discipleship.
Our church's worship service will be live streamed on Sunday mornings at 11 am on the church Facebook page. It will be posted on our church YouTube Channel afterwards. You are invited to worship using these options.
Please also open the devotional book in your Advent Kit to discover how to begin your at-home advent observance this Sunday.
Many blessings, even now.
Pastor Karen Johnson
